Open Education Resources for ECVET
These resources will help you to use learning outcomes based approach and ECVET principles in assessment and validation of WBL.
For VET Schools and Students
ECVET Basics
1) General information on ECVET and learning outcomes approach
ECVET Monitoring report 2015 (ENG)
How to organise European mobility using ECVET
Defining, writing and applying learning outcomes (ENG)
Flexible vocational learning pathways, case Finland (ENG)
Experience of implementing VET content reforms facilitating ECVET application (LV, ENG)
TRIALOG app & ECVET toolkit (ENG)
2) vocabulary
3) Information for Students
Basic information about VET traineeships abroad (ENG)
How to prepare for internship abroad (ENG)
Student’s residence rights in EU (ENG)
Practical tools
Before Mobility
1. Prepare Memorandum of Understanding ( ENG)
Template of Memorandum of Understanding ( ENG)
2. Identify Units of Learning Outcomes (ENG)
Guidelines of Describing Learning Outcomes ( ENG)
4. Agree how to Document Learner’s Achievements (ENG)
Units of Learning Outcome (ENG)
5. Clarify Validation and Recognition ( ENG)
Competence Appraisal Template (ENG)
Employer Assessment Fedeback Sheet Template (ENG)
Self-evaluation Transversal Competences(ENG)
6. Sign Learning Agreement (ENG)
Descriptors Defining Levels in the European Qualifications Framework (ENG)
Europass Mobility Document Template (ENG)
Learning Agreement Template (ENG)
7. Examples of German occupational standards
During Mobility
1. Provide Learning Activities (ENG)
Checklist with Key Actions During Mobility (ENG)
3. Document Assessment Results (ENG)
After Mobility
Best practices
1) Estonia
Learning Agreement Student B ( ENG)
Observation Guide for Tourism (ENG)
Learning Outcomes Tourism (ENG)
Self-assesment Guide Tourism (ENG)
Self evaluation transversal competences (EE)
2) Finland
Memorandum of Understanding (ENG)
Guide to Learning Agreement (FI)
Guide to Memorandum of Understanding (FI)
Commitment to the implementation of studies abroad (FI)
3) Latvia
Learning Agreements
Learning Agreement Student A (ENG)
Learning Agreement Student B (ENG)
Learning Agreement Student C ( ENG)
Training Agreement, Student C ( ENG)
Learning Units
Learning Unit 1, Repair or Rebuilding Jobs (ENG)
Learning Unit 2, Internationalization and Project Management (ENG)
Learning Unit 3, Entrepreneurship (ENG)
Learning Unit , Vehicle stability management systems (ENG)
Evaluation Student B, Part 1 (ENG)
Evaluation Student B, Part 2 (ENG)
Evaluation Student B, Part 3 (ENG)
For Companies
ECVET Basics
1) General information on ECVET and learning outcomes approach
ECVET Monitoring report 2015 (ENG)
How to organise European mobility using ECVET
Defining, writing and applying learning outcomes (ENG)
AC4SME Toolkit for small and medium enterprises to host apparentices (ENG)
AC4SME Toolkit for small and medium enterprises to host apparentices (LV)
Flexible vocational learning pathways, case Finland (ENG)
2) vocabulary
Practical tools
Before Mobility
1. Prepare Memorandum of Understanding ( ENG)
Template of Memorandum of Understanding ( ENG)
2. Identify Units of Learning Outcomes (ENG)
Guidelines of Describing Learning Outcomes ( ENG)
4. Agree how to Document Learner’s Achievements (ENG)
Units of Learning Outcome (ENG)
5. Clarify Validation and Recognition ( ENG)
Competence Appraisal Template (ENG)
Employer Assessment Fedeback Sheet Template (ENG)
Self-evaluation Transversal Competences(ENG)
6. Sign Learning Agreement (ENG)
Descriptors Defining Levels in the European Qualifications Framework (ENG)
Europass Mobility Document Template (ENG)
Learning Agreement Template (ENG)
7. Examples of German occupational standards
During Mobility
1. Provide Learning Activities (ENG)
Checklist with Key Actions During Mobility (ENG)
3. Document Assessment Results (ENG)
After Mobility
Best practices
1) Estonia
Learning Agreement Student B ( ENG)
Observation Guide for Tourism (ENG)
Learning Outcomes Tourism (ENG)
Self-assesment Guide Tourism (ENG)
Self evaluation transversal competences (EE)
2) Finland
Memorandum of Understanding (ENG)
Guide to Learning Agreement (FI)
Guide to Memorandum of Understanding (FI)
Commitment to the implementation of studies abroad (FI)
3) Latvia
Learning Agreements
Learning Agreement Student A (ENG)
Learning Agreement Student B (ENG)
Learning Agreement Student C ( ENG)
Training Agreement, Student C ( ENG)
Learning Units
Learning Unit 1, Repair or Rebuilding Jobs (ENG)
Learning Unit 2, Internationalization and Project Management (ENG)
Learning Unit 3, Entrepreneurship (ENG)
Learning Unit , Vehicle stability management systems (ENG)
Evaluation Student B, Part 1 (ENG)
Evaluation Student B, Part 2 (ENG)
Evaluation Student B, Part 3 (ENG)